1. Name and Objectives
1.1 The name of the association shall be the Association of Indian Pathologists in North America (AIPNA)
Change of name
The name of the association underwent a small change to better reflect the activities of its American and Canadian members. Association of Indian Pathologists in America (AIPA) was changed to Association of Indian Pathologists in North America (AIPNA). The name change was instituted in newsletters, bank accounts, and media reports. The name change in the Post office box address and in the EIN number is in progress.
1.2 The objective of the association is to advance the profession of Pathology, contribute to the advancement and technology transfer of the knowledge of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine to Indian hospitals and laboratories and to form a link with Pathologists and Pathology organizations in India.
1.3 The association shall be a charitable and non-profit organization. Its income shall be derived from membership dues, donations and grants from Corporations and other fund-raising events.
1.4 The association structure shall consist of two parts a) General Body and b) Executive Committee. Each shall have specific functions and rights and shall discharge its responsibilities in accordance with the bylaws of the association.
2. Membership
2.1 Any person dedicated to improving Pathology services in India, of any creed, color, nationality or descent are eligible to apply for membership of AIPNA. All members shall pay their dues to the association and shall follow and obey the rules and bylaws of the association as provided below.
2.2 The dues shall be determined by the executive committee and approved by the general body.
2.3 All members of AIPNA as in 2.1 shall have the right to vote and shall be eligible to hold any elected office of the Association.
3. General Body
3.1 The general body of the association shall consist of dues paying members of AIPNA.
3.2 The general body shall approve of the by-laws and specific recommendations made for AIPNA.
3.3 The annual general body meeting shall be held at least once a year reviewing membership status, executive committee, review of associating activities, financial status and any other matters related to the association.
3.4 A majority vote of the members of the general body meeting shall be used for passage of all transactions. Quorum shall be met by the presence of twenty five or more of its members.
4. Executive Committee
4.1 The executive committee is entrusted with the task of planning, organizing and carrying out all the necessary activities and functions to fulfill the mission, goals and objectives of the association.
4.2 The executive committee shall be responsible for managing the financial and membership resources of the association.
4.3 The executive committee shall consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Editor-in-chief of the Newsletter, Resident Members and other designated members.
4.4 The President shall be the chief executive officer of the association.
4.5 The executive committee shall have the power to appoint or dismiss standing committee to carry out various functions and initiations of the association
4.6 The executive committee members including the president will be elected from the general body. The tenure of the executive committee members shall be 3-5 years. Re-appointment shall be allowed for one additional term. Nominations for executive committee position will be requested at general body meetings through the Newsletter. Elections will follow, If no nominations are receive, the president may elect to ask the present executive member to continue his/her term, till such time a nomination is received and a new member is elected to office.
5. Finance
5.1 Income of the association shall be drawn from the sources outlined in article 1.
5.2 The association funds will be maintained as:
a) General funds to be used by the executive committee to run the day to day activities, mailing, etc.,
b) Fellowship fund to finance short visiting fellowships from India.
5.3 The executive committee shall present the annual financial status report to the members of the general body meeting.
5.4 All receipts and expenditures are kept as records at least for five years.
6. Committee
6.1 Under the provisions of the Constitution article 4, the executive committee may set up committees to carry out the various functions.
Membership Committee
Bylaws Committee
CME Committee
Fellowship Committee
Nominating Committee
Newsletter Committee
7. Grievance Procedure
7.1 In the event of a grievance or a complaint a member may write to the President of the association. The executive committee shall review and respond.
8. Dissolution of the association
8.1 If the association ceases to function or if the executive committee feels that the association is no longer able to fulfill its original objectives and ideals, then the association may be dissolved as follows:
a) The executive committee shall circulate a notice of the event of the dissolution to all members of the association.
b) After this, a special or annual general body meeting shall be held and a motion passed by the majority of the members.
c) During this period all liabilities are paid off, and the remaining assets are disbursed according to the consensus obtained at the general body meeting.
1.1 The name of the association shall be the Association of Indian Pathologists in North America (AIPNA)
Change of name
The name of the association underwent a small change to better reflect the activities of its American and Canadian members. Association of Indian Pathologists in America (AIPA) was changed to Association of Indian Pathologists in North America (AIPNA). The name change was instituted in newsletters, bank accounts, and media reports. The name change in the Post office box address and in the EIN number is in progress.
1.2 The objective of the association is to advance the profession of Pathology, contribute to the advancement and technology transfer of the knowledge of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine to Indian hospitals and laboratories and to form a link with Pathologists and Pathology organizations in India.
1.3 The association shall be a charitable and non-profit organization. Its income shall be derived from membership dues, donations and grants from Corporations and other fund-raising events.
1.4 The association structure shall consist of two parts a) General Body and b) Executive Committee. Each shall have specific functions and rights and shall discharge its responsibilities in accordance with the bylaws of the association.
2. Membership
2.1 Any person dedicated to improving Pathology services in India, of any creed, color, nationality or descent are eligible to apply for membership of AIPNA. All members shall pay their dues to the association and shall follow and obey the rules and bylaws of the association as provided below.
2.2 The dues shall be determined by the executive committee and approved by the general body.
2.3 All members of AIPNA as in 2.1 shall have the right to vote and shall be eligible to hold any elected office of the Association.
3. General Body
3.1 The general body of the association shall consist of dues paying members of AIPNA.
3.2 The general body shall approve of the by-laws and specific recommendations made for AIPNA.
3.3 The annual general body meeting shall be held at least once a year reviewing membership status, executive committee, review of associating activities, financial status and any other matters related to the association.
3.4 A majority vote of the members of the general body meeting shall be used for passage of all transactions. Quorum shall be met by the presence of twenty five or more of its members.
4. Executive Committee
4.1 The executive committee is entrusted with the task of planning, organizing and carrying out all the necessary activities and functions to fulfill the mission, goals and objectives of the association.
4.2 The executive committee shall be responsible for managing the financial and membership resources of the association.
4.3 The executive committee shall consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Editor-in-chief of the Newsletter, Resident Members and other designated members.
4.4 The President shall be the chief executive officer of the association.
4.5 The executive committee shall have the power to appoint or dismiss standing committee to carry out various functions and initiations of the association
4.6 The executive committee members including the president will be elected from the general body. The tenure of the executive committee members shall be 3-5 years. Re-appointment shall be allowed for one additional term. Nominations for executive committee position will be requested at general body meetings through the Newsletter. Elections will follow, If no nominations are receive, the president may elect to ask the present executive member to continue his/her term, till such time a nomination is received and a new member is elected to office.
5. Finance
5.1 Income of the association shall be drawn from the sources outlined in article 1.
5.2 The association funds will be maintained as:
a) General funds to be used by the executive committee to run the day to day activities, mailing, etc.,
b) Fellowship fund to finance short visiting fellowships from India.
5.3 The executive committee shall present the annual financial status report to the members of the general body meeting.
5.4 All receipts and expenditures are kept as records at least for five years.
6. Committee
6.1 Under the provisions of the Constitution article 4, the executive committee may set up committees to carry out the various functions.
Membership Committee
Bylaws Committee
CME Committee
Fellowship Committee
Nominating Committee
Newsletter Committee
7. Grievance Procedure
7.1 In the event of a grievance or a complaint a member may write to the President of the association. The executive committee shall review and respond.
8. Dissolution of the association
8.1 If the association ceases to function or if the executive committee feels that the association is no longer able to fulfill its original objectives and ideals, then the association may be dissolved as follows:
a) The executive committee shall circulate a notice of the event of the dissolution to all members of the association.
b) After this, a special or annual general body meeting shall be held and a motion passed by the majority of the members.
c) During this period all liabilities are paid off, and the remaining assets are disbursed according to the consensus obtained at the general body meeting.